Friday, November 13, 2009

You've Heard of Peak Oil - Well What About the Peak Rock and Roll

There is a great blog article here that charts the relationship between the quality of Rock Music and US Peak Oil Production
Extract below
I, however, wasn’t content with the casual analysis.  So I punched the list into Excel, crunched some numbers, and found an interesting parallel between the decline of rock music quality and, of all things, the decline in US oil discovery and production:

Analysis after the jump.  Drill Baby Drill!
First, a little theory.  The decline in U.S. oil production* is explained by the Hubbert Peak Theory, which states that “the amount of oil under the ground in any region is finite, therefore the rate of discovery which initially increases quickly must reach a maximum and decline.”  Makes sense, right?  The same theory can apply to anything of a finite quantity that is discovered and quickly exploited with maximum effort.

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